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Combination pliers 170mm Z 14 1 06 170mm
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Combination pliers 170mm Z 14 1 06 170mm

EAN/GTIN: 4010995385521
WEEE: DE 90923565
Manufacturer: Wiha
Manufacturer no.: Z 14 1 06 170mm
Manufact.-SKU: 38552
Customs tariff no.: 82032000
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33,85 GBP Price incl. VAT (0,00 GBP)
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The installation of electrical devices may only be carried out by an approved electrician and, in the case of high-voltage systems (> = 400V and country-specific nominal power), only with the consent of the respective electricity network operator.



TriCut installation pliers Prof. electric Z 14 1 06 170mm length 170mm, fully insulated 1000 V, 2-component handle design, simplifies your work: The angled head shape allows you to work in hard-to-reach spaces such as installation boxes. Three tools in one. Saves 60% volume, 50% weight, for 100% efficiency. Saves money: You only need one tool for the three processes of cutting to length, stripping and stripping. Reduces your costs: Long-lasting thanks to high-quality chrome-plated pliers surface to prevent rust. Offers you full protection: Each tool is individually tested at 10,000 V AC and approved for 1,000 V AC. Suitable for cutting soft and hard wires as well as cables such as NYM cables. Also suitable for stripping round and wet-room cables as well as stripping conductors in places that are difficult to access, such as in junction boxes and distribution boxes. The TriCut electric installation pliers do the work of three. The high-quality installation pliers are the ideal helper for cable processing because they combine the three most important tools in one: a side cutter, a stripper and a wire stripper. The specially cranked pliers head enables ergonomic and energy-saving stripping and stripping in the longitudinal direction of the cable and the pliers. The TriCut offers a decisive advantage over other pliers, especially in tight installation spaces such as junction and distribution boxes. In addition to cables, the side cutters can also be used to cut harder wires or even chains. The extra wide back of the handle with integrated hard and soft zones as well as the curved handle ends prevent the fingers from slipping. The pliers, individually tested in accordance with the international standard IEC 60900, ensure uncompromising safety and enable safe work on live parts up to 1,000 V AC. Tested according to IEC 60900.

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