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Hot water heat pump 220l WWK 221 electronic
Source photo:
Stiebel Eltron
(fig. might be different or similar)

Hot water heat pump 220l WWK 221 electronic

EAN/GTIN: 4017212309490
WEEE: DE 58834923
Manufacturer: Stiebel Eltron
Manufacturer no.: WWK 221 electronic
Manufact.-SKU: 230949
Customs tariff no.: 84186100
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2.232,25 GBP Price incl. VAT (0,00 GBP)
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The installation of electrical devices may only be carried out by an approved electrician and, in the case of high-voltage systems (> = 400V and country-specific nominal power), only with the consent of the respective electricity network operator.



Model=Monobloc, Heat source=Outside air, With air duct connection=yes, With heater connection=no, Solar integration=no, Suitable for wall mounting=no, Suitable for floor mounting=yes, Three-phase model=no, Connection voltage=230 V, Nominal content=220 l, Operating pressure (water sided)=8 bar, Water supply=1 inch, With circulation connection=yes, Circulation connection=1/2 inch, Adjustable air exhaust=yes, With digital display=yes, Air temperature=-8..42 °C, Max. water temperature=65 °C, Nominal input heat pump according to EN 16147 (7°C)=0,4 kW, Nominal input heat pump according to EN 16147 (20 °C)=0,4 kW, Nominal input additional heating system=1,5 kW, Material reservoir=Steel enamelled, Anode protection=Other, Regulation type=Mechanical, Type of refrigerant=R134a, Refrigerant content=850 g, Degree of protection (IP)=IP24, Energy efficiency class (7 °C)=A+, Energy efficiency class (20 °C)=A+, Capacity profile=L, Height=1501 mm, Width=690 mm, Depth=690 mm, Weight=120 kg, Compatible with Apple HomeKit=no, Compatible with Google Assistant=no, Compatible with Amazon Alexa=no, Energy efficiency class spectrum=A to G