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Aluminum telescopic ladder PATLT44 4x4 m. Trav. L: 4.2m
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Aluminum telescopic ladder PATLT44 4x4 m. Trav. L: 4.2m

EAN/GTIN: 4016705152469
WEEE: DE 67920185
Manufacturer: PROTEC.class
Manufacturer no.: 05105246
Manufact.-SKU: PATLT44
Customs tariff no.: 76109090
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359,51 GBP Price incl. VAT (0,00 GBP)
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The installation of electrical devices may only be carried out by an approved electrician and, in the case of high-voltage systems (> = 400V and country-specific nominal power), only with the consent of the respective electricity network operator.



Tested and certified by the professional association (DGUV) according to the new GS guideline, equipped with two crossbars and non-slip rubber feet, thanks to the non-slip ribbing of the rungs, the aluminum telescopic ladders offer the highest level of application safety, leaning ladder, stepladder and work scaffolding in one product, The basic rule is: Ladders may be used as a high-level workplace if the employee stands with both feet on a step (min. 80 mm), platform or hanging platform and the position on the ladder is not higher than 5 m above the installation surface. In order to make this ladder usable again, a hanging step (see accessories list) is required.