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Photovoltaics module 375Wp 1767x1041mm Black 375 A.1
Source photo:
Meyer Burger
(fig. might be different or similar)

Photovoltaics module 375Wp 1767x1041mm Black 375 A.1

WEEE: DE 18170271
Manufacturer: Meyer Burger
Manufacturer no.: Black 375 A.1
Manufact.-SKU: 10303839
Customs tariff no.: 85414300
Order level:
30 pce
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3.727,45 GBP Price incl. VAT (0,00 GBP)
(for 30 pce)
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The installation of electrical devices may only be carried out by an approved electrician and, in the case of high-voltage systems (> = 400V and country-specific nominal power), only with the consent of the respective electricity network operator.


Cell material=Mono crystalline, MPP power by STC=375 Wp, Max. system voltage=1000 V, MPP-voltage=38 V, Open circuit voltage=44,5 V, MPP-current=9,9 A, Short-circuit current=10,6 A, Module efficiency factor (STC)=20,4 %, Length=1767 mm, Width=1041 mm, Height=35 mm, Weight=19,7 kg, With frame=yes, Colour frame=Black, With connection cable=yes, Cable length=1200 mm, Number of bypass diodes=3, Operating temperature=-40..85 °C, Reverse current load=15 A, Glass with anti-reflection coating=yes