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Cable reel dispenser 85001621
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Cable reel dispenser 85001621

EAN/GTIN: 4044777628117
WEEE: DE 87877696
Manufacturer: Lapp
Manufacturer no.: 85001621
Customs tariff no.: 84289090
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824,42 GBP Price incl. VAT (0,00 GBP)
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20-22 days [GB] Items to be procured that can be ordered (no central warehouse item) - live request to the central warehouse directly in the cart or click the link below the price >Quantity available?<

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Minimum order value (UK): 150 EUR (Sub total)

The installation of electrical devices may only be carried out by an approved electrician and, in the case of high-voltage systems (> = 400V and country-specific nominal power), only with the consent of the respective electricity network operator.



TRONIC MODULE SINGLE CORE CART 6X2 85001621, single core cart TRONIC MODULE SINGLE CORE CART 6X2, single core cart, including 6 TRONIC modules, H05V-K HAR , H07V-K HAR , H07V-U, Capacity rings/spools: 12, Areas of application: Transporting, storing and unrolling single wires, Mobile solutions with the goods-to-person/machine principle, Overcoming stairs and other barriers with the climber variant, Benefits: Single wires can be unrolled without twisting/kinking thanks to the horizontal pull-off, The LAPP Kanban solution enables barcodes to be attached, other markings with FLEXIMARK® labeling solutions are also possible, Direct material removal from a wide range of items at the place of use ensures fast and effective assembly processes, User-friendly solution with very short set-up times due to easy refillability, Facilitates the handling and storage of single wire rings and spools and ensures a clean and clear workplace