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Solenoid valve M 218 ES 24VAC

EAN/GTIN: 4050571475031
Manufacturer: Landefeld
Manufacturer no.: M 218 ES 24VAC
Manufact.-SKU: 249156
Customs tariff no.: 84812090
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139,31 GBP Price incl. VAT (0,00 GBP)
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20-22 days [GB] Items to be procured that can be ordered (no central warehouse item) - live request to the central warehouse directly in the cart or click the link below the price >Quantity available?<

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Minimum order value (UK): 150 EUR (Sub total)

The installation of electrical devices may only be carried out by an approved electrician and, in the case of high-voltage systems (> = 400V and country-specific nominal power), only with the consent of the respective electricity network operator.



2/2-way ES solenoid valve G 1/8´´, (NC) M 218 ES 24VAC, Materials: Body G 1/8´´
and G 1/4´´
: 1.4104, G1/2´´
up to G 2´´
: 1.4581 (internal parts 1.4104), seal: FKM Temperature range: -20°C to max. +130°C Media: compressed air, neutral gases, water, neutral thin fluids, other media on request Installation position: with standing magnet, (G 3/8´´
- G2´´
also with horizontal magnet) Voltages: Standard: 24 V=, 230 V AC, on request: 12 V=, 48 V=, 24 V AC, 115 V AC, 48 V AC Protection class: IP 65 Optional: NPT thread -NPT, EX-protected** -EX Information: These valves are always delivered with a coil and plug! Attention: Servo-controlled valves require a pressure difference between the valve inlet and outlet to open or close. The pressure difference is specified as the minimum pressure. If a pressure equalization occurs in the valve, possibly because no or only a small amount of medium is used at the valve outlet, the valve no longer works (it does not open or close reliably). *Water flow at +20°C, 1 bar pressure at the valve inlet, free outlet. Flow rate for air [l/min] approx. 13.4 x kv x PEnput, if PEnput < PEnput/2 (PEnput and PEnput are absolute values in bar.), **please specify protection class