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Switching device for handicapped people NRS LC 0834 ZT221

EAN/GTIN: 4011377294271
WEEE: DE 64244154
Manufacturer: JUNG
Manufacturer no.: NRS LC 0834 ZT221
Customs tariff no.: 85365080
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78,59 GBP Price incl. VAT (0,00 GBP)
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20-22 days [GB] Items to be procured that can be ordered (no central warehouse item) - live request to the central warehouse directly in the cart or click the link below the price >Quantity available?<

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Minimum order value (UK): 150 EUR (Sub total)

The installation of electrical devices may only be carried out by an approved electrician and, in the case of high-voltage systems (> = 400V and country-specific nominal power), only with the consent of the respective electricity network operator.



Emergency call system pull button vert clair NRS LC 0834 ZT221 Version pull contact, color other, voltage type DC, device width 70mm, device height 70mm, (screw fastening, without fastening claws) without frame An emergency call can be triggered in the bathroom/toilet using an easily accessible pull cord. The pull button can also be installed on the ceiling in the middle of the room so that it can be easily reached by people in need. A successful call activation is signaled by a red reassurance lamp on the button. Material: Thermoplastic painted