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Steam iron 2500W FV5737 türkis
Source photo:
Groupe SEB
(fig. might be different or similar)

Steam iron 2500W FV5737 türkis

EAN/GTIN: 3121040075845
WEEE: DE 84860160
Manufacturer: Groupe SEB
Manufacturer no.: FV5737 türkis
Manufact.-SKU: FV5737
Customs tariff no.: 85164000
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40,77 GBP Price incl. VAT (0,00 GBP)
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Minimum order value (UK): 150 EUR (Sub total)

The installation of electrical devices may only be carried out by an approved electrician and, in the case of high-voltage systems (> = 400V and country-specific nominal power), only with the consent of the respective electricity network operator.



TEF steam iron Easygliss II FV5737 turquoise version steam iron, connected load 2500W, basic color other, steam boost, fixed water tank, with safety switch-off, vertical steam, spray, steam & temperature setting: automatic steam setting, continuous steam distribution: tip, side edge and core, precision tip, drip stop, automatic . Shut-off, ergonomic steam generator, stable iron rear, water filling opening: extra wide, anti-limescale setting