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Right angle grinder (battery) 06033E5000
Source photo:
Bosch Power Tools
(fig. might be different or similar)

Right angle grinder (battery) 06033E5000

EAN/GTIN: 4053423237214
WEEE: DE 87857082
Manufacturer: Bosch Power Tools
Manufacturer no.: 06033E5000
Customs tariff no.: 84672920
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77,01 GBP Price incl. VAT (0,00 GBP)
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Delivery time:
20-22 days [GB] Items to be procured that can be ordered (no central warehouse item) - live request to the central warehouse directly in the cart or click the link below the price >Quantity available?<

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Minimum order value (UK): 150 EUR (Sub total)

The installation of electrical devices may only be carried out by an approved electrician and, in the case of high-voltage systems (> = 400V and country-specific nominal power), only with the consent of the respective electricity network operator.



Cordless angle grinder 06033E5000 06033E5000 Rated voltage 18V, weight without battery pack 1.7kg, idle speed 12000 ... 120001/min, cordless angle grinder UniversalGrind 18V-75, practical cordless angle grinder with optimal handiness for numerous DIY jobs, powerful motor for cutting and grinding Metal or stone, Soft start and quickly adjustable protective cover for smooth work, Ergonomic design and slim housing for comfortable work, Ideal for roughing, cutting or brushing metal, stone, concrete and tiles, Compatible with Bosch 18V POWER FOR ALL battery, POWER FOR ALL: a battery and a charger for a complete Home & Garden device system, Syneon Technology controls energy consumption for optimal efficiency and longer running time, cardboard box

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Product image 1 Bosch Power Tools 06033E5000 Right angle grinder  battery
Product image 1
Product image 2 Bosch Power Tools 06033E5000 Right angle grinder  battery
Product image 2